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v (letter -) n • littera v (ve)

Vaal (river) n • Vaal

vac n • abbrev

vacancy n • vacantia

vacancy (unoccupied post) n • vacantia

vacant adj • disoccupato

vacant, not occupied adj • vacante

vacant, not occupied adj • vacante (ppr of vacar)

vacate, evacuate, empty v • disoccupar

vacation (as in vacation time) adj • ferial

vacation n • adj

vacation n • vacantias, ferias

vacation n • ferias, vacantias

vacationer n • vacationista

vacationist n • vacationista

vaccinal adj • vaccinal, vaccinee

vaccinal adj • vaccinal

vaccinal adj • vaccinee, vaccinal

vaccinal, vaccinic adj • vaccinic

vaccinate v • vaccinar

vaccinate again, revaccinate v • revaccinar

vaccination n • vaccination

vaccinator (one who vaccinates) n • vaccinator

vaccine adj • vaccin

vaccine n • vaccino

vaccine (preparation for vaccination and inoculation) n • vaccino

vaccinic, vaccinal adj • vaccinic

vaccinogenic adj • vaccinogene

vacillate v • vacillar

vacillating, vacillation (act of) n • vacillamento

vacillation n • vacillation

vacillation, vacillating (act of) n • vacillamento

vacillatory adj • vacillatori

vacuity, emptiness n • vacuitate

vacuole [Biol] n • vacuolo

vacuole [Biol] n • vacuolo (-cù-)

vacuum n • vacuo

vacuum cleaner n • aspirator

vacuum-cleaner n • aspirator

vacuum-flask n • thermos

vade mecum n • vademecum

vade mecum n • vademecum (-mé-)

vagabond adj • vagabunde

vagabond n • vagabundo

vagabond v • vagabundar

vagabondage n • vagabundage (-aje)

vagabondage n • vagabundage

vagina [Anat] n • vagina

vagina n • vagina

vaginal [Anat] adj • vaginal

vaginismus (spasmodic contractions of the vagina) Med] n • vaginismo

vaginule [Bot] n • vaginula

vagrant adj • vagabunde

vagrant n • vagabundo

vague adj • vage, imprecise

vague adj • imprecise, vage

vague (not clearly defined) adj • vage

vagueness n • imprecision

vain (1. futile; 2. worthless; 3. conceited) adj • van

vain (conceited) adj • vanitose

vain, futile, frustraneous adj • frustranee

vain (useless) adj • van, inutile

vain (useless) adj • inutile, van

vainglorious adj • vangloriose

vainglorious adj • gloriose

vainglorious, boastful adj • vangloriose

vainglorious, conceited adj • vanitose

vainglory, boastfulness n • vangloria

valence [Chem] n • valentia

valet, lackey, footman n • lacai (-ài)

valet, lackey, footman n • lacai

valet, man-servant n • camerero

valet n • camerero, valletto

valet n • valletto, camerero

Valhalla [Mythol] n • Valhalla

valiant adj • valente, prode

valiant adj • valente (ppr of valer)

valiant adj • prode

valiant adj • prode, valente

valiant adj • valente

valid adj • valide

validate (render valid) v • validar

validate v • validar

validation (act of rendering valid) n • validation

validity n • validitate

valise, traveling bag n • valise

valise, traveling bag n • valise F]

Valkyrie n • valkyria

valley n • vallea

valley n • valle

valley n • vallea (-éa)

valley n • vallata

valor, bravery n • valentia

valor, manliness n • virtute

valor n • valor

valor, valour n • valor

valorization n • valorisation

valorize (fix prices by valorization) v • valorisar

valorous adj • valorose

valuable adj • de valor, preciose

valuable adj • preciose, de valor

valuables n • objectos de valor

valuation, appraisal n • valutation

valuation n • valutation

value, appraise v • valutar

value (estimate value of) v • valutar

value (hold valuable) v • tener a (valor)

value (hold valuable) v • tener a

value (monetary worth of a thing) n • valuta

value n • valor

value, price n • precio

value, worth n • valor

value-added-tax (VAT) n • imposto super le valor adjungite

valueless adj • sin valor

valvar, valvular [Zool] adj • valvar

valvate [Bot/Zool] adj • valvate

valve (1. Anat] (as in heart valves; 2. Engin]) n • valvula

valve (all senses) n • valvula

valve (as in valves of the pericarp) Bot/zool] n • valva

valve (radio) n • etc

valvular [Anat] adj • valvular

valvular, valvar [Zool] adj • valvar

vamp n • vampiressa, femina fatal

vamp n • femina fatal, vampiressa

vamp v • improvisar un accompaniamento

vampire (1. bloodsucking ghost or reanimated corpse; 2 . Zool] (vampire bat) n • vampir

vampire n • vampir

vampire bat n • vespertilion vampir

vampirism n • vampirismo

van n • camionetta, furgon

van n • furgon, camionetta

Vandal [Hist] n • vandalo (vàn-)

Vandal [Hist] n • vandalo

vandal n • vandalo

Vandal, Vandalic (pertaining to the Vandals) adj • vandalic

Vandal, Vandalic (pertaining to the Vandals) adj • vandale

vandal (wanton destroyer) n • vandalo (vàn-)

vandal (wanton destroyer) n • vandalo

Vandalic, Vandal (pertaining to the Vandals) adj • vandale

Vandalic, Vandal (pertaining to the Vandals) adj • vandalic

vandalism n • vandalismo

van-driver n • livrator, camionero, camionista

van-driver n • camionero, camionista, livrator

van-driver n • camionista, livrator, camionero

vane n • pala

vanguard [Mil] n • vanguarda

vanguard n • vanguarda

vanilla adj/n • vanilla

vanilla n • vanilla

vanilla bean (siliqua de) n • vanilla

vanilla-flavored adj • vanillate

vanillin [Bot/Chem] n • vanillina

vanillism [Med] n • vanillismo

vanish v • evanescer

vanish v • eclipsar se, evanescer

vanish v • evanescer, eclipsar se

vanishing, evanescent adj • evanescente (ppr of evanescer)

vanishing, evanescent adj • evanescente

vanishment n • evanescimento

vanity (1. futility; 2. conceit, vainglory) n • vanitate

vanity n • vanitate

vanquish, overcome v • vincer vinc-/-vict-]

vanquish, overcome v • vincer

vanquish, surmount, overcome v • superar

vanquish v • superar

vanquish v • superar (vincer in battalia)

vanquishable, vincible adj • vincibile

vanquishment n • vincimento

vantage (- point) n. phr • puncto

vantage (- point) n. phr • puncto (position)

vantage n • position de avantage

Vanuatu [Geog] n • Vanuatu

vapid adj • sin animo

vapor, steam n • vapor

vapor, vapour n • vapor

vaporizable, evaporable adj • evaporabile

vaporization, evaporation n • vaporisation

vaporize (1. to evaporate; 2. to atomize, spray) v • vaporisar

vaporize v • vaporisar

vaporizer, atomizer n • vaporisator

vaporosity, vaporousness n • vaporositate

vaporous adj • vaporose

vaporousness, vaporosity n • vaporositate

variability n • variabilitate

variable adj • variabile

variable adj/n • variabile

variance (be -) v • at discrepar, esser in contradiction

variance (be -) v • esser in contradiction, at discrepar

variance n • discrepantia, contradiction, variation, variantia

variance n • contradiction, variation, variantia, discrepantia

variance n • variantia, discrepantia, contradiction, variation

variance n • variation, variantia, discrepantia, contradiction

variant adj • variante

variant, varying adj • variante

variant, varying adj • variante (ppr of variar)

variation n • variation

varicella, chicken pox [Med] n • varicella

varicocele n • varicocele

varicose adj • varicose

varicose vein, varix [Med] n • varice (và-)

varicose vein, varix [Med] n • varice

varicose veins adj • varices

varied adj • variate

varied adj • variate (pp of variar)

variegated adj • multicolor

variety (1. variedness, difference; 2. Biol]) n • varietate

variety n • varietate

variety-theatre n • theatro de varietates

variola, smallpox [Med] n • variola (-rì-)

variola, smallpox [Med] n • variola

variolar, variolous, variolic [Med] adj • variolose

variolar, variolous, variolic [Med] adj • variolar

variolar, variolous, variolic [Med] adj • variolic

variolic, variolar, variolous [Med] adj • variolic

variolic, variolar, variolous [Med] adj • variolar

variolic, variolar, variolous [Med] adj • variolose

varioloid [Med] n • varioloide

variolous, variolic, variolar [Med] adj • variolic

variolous, variolic, variolar [Med] adj • variolose

variolous, variolic, variolar [Med] adj • variolar

various (1. different, diverse;) adj • varie

various adj • varie

varix, varicose vein [Med] n • varice

varix, varicose vein [Med] n • varice (và-)

varnish n • vernisse

varnish v • vernissar

varnisher n • vernissator

vary (1. to differ; 2. to modify, alter) v • variar

vary v • variar

varying, variant adj • variante

varying, variant adj • variante (ppr of variar)

vascular [Anat/Bot] adj • vasculose

vascular (as in vascular membrane, tissue) Anat/Bot] adj • vascular

vascularity [Anat/Bot] n • vascularitate

vasculum n • vasculo

vase n • vaso

vasectomy n • vasectomia

vaseline n • vaselina

Vaseline n • vaselina

vasomotor [Anat] adj • vasomotor

vassal [Hist] n • vassallo

vassal n • vassallo

vassalage (state of being a vassal) Hist] n • vassallage

vassalage (state of being a vassal) Hist] n • vassallage (-aje)

vast adj • vaste

vast (extensive in area or range) adj • vaste

vastness n • vastitate

V.A.T Abbrev • V.A. (imposto super le valor adjungite)

V.A.T Abbrev • V.A.

vat (large vessel, tub) n • cupa

vat n • cupa

Vatican (1. as in Vatican Hill; 2. pertaining to the Vatican) adj • vatican

Vatican n • Vaticano

vatican n • vaticano

Vatican Hill n • Vaticano

vaudeville n • vaudeville F]

vaudeville n • vaudeville

vault (arched ceiling or roof) n • volta

vault (cover with a vault) v • voltar

vault (jump) vi • voltear

vault [Man] v • voltear

vault n • Archeol]

vault vt • voltar

vaulting (act or art of) Man] n • volteo (-éo)

vaulting (act or art of) Man] n • volteo

vaulting n • volteo

vauntery, boasting n • vanteria

vauntery, boasting n • vanteria (-ìa)

veal n • vitello

vector [Math] n • vector

vector n • vector

vectorial [Math] adj • vectorial

veer v • virar

vegetable adj • vegetal, vegetabile

vegetable adj • vegetabile, vegetal

vegetable adj • vegetabile

vegetable (leguminous) n • legumine

vegetable n • bot

vegetable, vegetal adj • vegetal

vegetal, vegetable adj • vegetal

vegetarian adj • vegetarian

vegetarian n • vegetariano

vegetarianism n • vegetarianismo

vegetate (1. to grow, as plants, seeds; 2. to live a merely physical life) v • vegetar

vegetate v • vegetar

vegetation (1. action of vegetating; 2. plant life, plants collectively) n • vegetation

vegetation n • vegetation

vegetative adj • vegetative

vegeto-animal adj • vegetoanimal

vegeto-mineral adj • vegetomineral

vehemence n • vehementia

vehement adj • vehemente

vehement, impetuous adj • vehemente

vehemently, strongly adv • valde

vehicle n • vehiculo

vehicular vehicular adj • vehicular

veil (as in bridal veil) n • velo

veil n • velo

veil v • velar

vein (1. blood vessel; 2. as in veins and arteries) n • vena

vein [Anat] n • vena

vein, grain v • venar

vein, lode [Geol. and Mining] n • filon

vein (mining) n • filon

veined adj • venate

veined, veiny adj • venate

veining n • venatura

veining, venation n • venafura

veinlet, venule [Anat] n • venula

veiny, veined adj • venate

velar adj • velar

velar v • velar

velarium [Rom. Antiq] n • velario

vellum n • vitellino

velocimeter, speedometer n • velocimetro

velocimeter, speedometer n • velocimetro (-cì-)

velocipede, dandy horse n • velocifero

velocipede, dandy horse n • velocifero (-cì-)

velocipede n • velocipede

velocipede n • velocipede (-cì-)

velocipedist n • velocipedista

velocity n • velocitate

velocity, speed n • velocitate

velodrome n • velodromo

velvet n • villuto

velveteen n • villuto de coton

velveteen n • velvet

velveteen n • velvet A]

velvety, pruinose [Bot] adj • pruinose

venal adj • venal

venation, veining n • venafura

vend v • vender

vendetta n • vendetta

vendible, salable adj • vendibile

vending (- machine) n • machina venditor

vending adj • venditori

vendor n • venditor

vendor (seller) n • venditor

veneer n • folio de ligno

veneer v • incrustar de ligno ornamental

venenific, poison-producing adj • venenific

venerability, venerableness n • venerabilitate

venerable adj • venerabile

venerableness, venerability n • venerabilitate

venerate, revere v • venerar

venerate v • venerar

veneration n • veneration

veneration, reverence n • veneration

venerator n • venerator

venereal adj • veneree

venereal, aphroditic adj • aphroditic

venereal-disease n • maladia veneree

venery (chase hunt) n • veneria

Venetia [Rom. Antiq] n • Venetia

venetian (- blind) n • jalousie

Venetian n • venetiano

Venetian, of Venice adj • venetian

Venetian blind n • jalousie F]

Venetian blind n • jalousie

Venetic (language of the Veneti) n • veneto

Venetic (language of the Veneti) n • veneto (vé-)

Venetic (of Venetia or the Veneti) Rom. Antiq] adj • venete

Venetic (of Venetia or the Veneti) Rom. Antiq] adj • venete (vé-)

Venezia n • Venetia

Venezuela [Geog] n • Venezuela

Venezuela n • Venezuela

Venezuelan adj • venezuelan

Venezuelan n • venezuelano

vengeance n • vengiantia, vindicantia

vengeance n • vindicantia, vengiantia

vengeance, revenge n • vengiantia (-jàn-)

vengeance, revenge n • vindicantia

vengeance, revenge n • vengiantia

vengeful adj • vengiative

vengeful, vindictive adj • vengiative (-ja-)

vengeful, vindictive adj • vengiative

venial adj • venial

veniality n • venialitate

Venice [Geog] n • Venetia

Venice n • Venetia

venom n • veneno

venomous adj • venenose

venomous, poisonous adj • venenose

venomousness n • venenositate

venose, venous adj • venose

venosity, venousness n • venositate

venous, venose adj • venose

venousness, venosity n • venositate

vent (of a coat) n • fissura posterior

vent (opening) n • orificio, apertura

vent (opening) n • apertura, orificio

vent v • dar libere curso a, discargar, emitter

vent v • emitter, dar libere curso a, discargar

vent v • discargar, emitter, dar libere curso a

ventail n • ventalio

ventilate (1. to supply with fresh air; 2. to discuss openly) v • ventilar

ventilate v • ventilar

ventilation (1. supplying with fresh air; 2. as in ventilation of one's grievance) n • ventilation

ventilation n • ventilation

ventilator n • ventilator

ventose, flatulent adj • ventose

ventosity, flatulence n • ventositate

ventral hernia [Pathol] n • eventration

ventricle [Anat] n • ventriculo

ventricle n • ventriculo

ventricular adj • ventricular

ventriloquism, ventriloquy n • ventriloquia (-ìa)

ventriloquism, ventriloquy n • ventriloquia

ventriloquist n • ventriloquo (-trì-)

ventriloquist n • ventriloquo

ventriloquous, ventriloquial adj • ventriloque (-trì-)

ventriloquous, ventriloquial adj • ventriloque

venture n • interprisa riscose

venture, risk v • aventurar

venture v • aventurar

venue n • loco de reunion

venule, veinlet [Anat] n • venula

Venus (1. Rom. Relig]; 2. Astron]) n • Venus

Venus (1. Rom. Relig]; 2. Astron]) n • Venere

Venus (1. Rom. Relig]; 2. Astron]) n • Venus (vé-)

Venus (myth) n • Venus, Venere

Venus (myth) n • Venere, Venus

Venus (planet) n • Venus

veracious adj • verace

veracity n • veracitate

veracity n • veridicitate

veracity, truthfulness n • veridicitate

veranda n • veranda

veranda, verandah n • veranda

verandah, veranda n • veranda

verb [Gram] n • verbo

verb n • verbo

verbal (1. as in a verbal contract; 2. Gram]) adj • verbal

verbal adj • verbal

verbal auxiliary n • verbo auxiliari

verbally adv • verbalmente, oralmente

verbally adv • oralmente, verbalmente

verbatim adj/adv • parola pro parola

verbena n • verbena

verbiage n • verbositate

verbose adj • verbose

verbosity n • verbositate

verdict n • verdicto

verdure (1. fresh greenness; 2. green vegetation) n • verdura

verdure n • verdura

verge (as in a hill verges to the north) v • verger

verge n • bordo

verge (on the - of) n • al bordo de

verge-on v • toccar a

verger n • sacristano

Vergilian adj • virgilian, vergilian

Vergilian adj • vergilian, virgilian

veridical, truthful adj • veridic

veridical, truthful adj • veridic (-rì-)

verifiable adj • verificabile

verification, audit n • appuramento

verification n • verification

verifier n • verificator

verify (1. to confirm the truth of; 2. to test or check the correctness of) v • verificar

verify, check, examine carefully v • respicer -spic-/-spect-]

verify, check, examine carefully v • respicer

verify, control, have under control, keep under control, check v • controlar

verify v • verificar

verifying, checking (act of) n • controlo

verisimilar, likely, probable adj • verosimilante

verisimilar, likely, probable adj • verisimile

verisimilitude, likelihood, probability n • verisimilitude

verisimilitude, probability n • verosimilantia

verism n • verismo

verist n • verista

veritable adj • autentic, ver

veritable adj • ver, autentic

vermicide n • vermicida

vermiform adj • vermiforme

vermifuge, anthelminthic adj • anthelminthic

vermifuge, anthelminthic n • anthelminthico

vermifuge, helminthic, anthelminthic n • helminthico

vermifuge vermifuge (-ì-) adj • vermifuge

vermifuge vermifuge (-ì-) adj • vermifuge (-ì-)

vermilion, bright red, scarlet adj • vermilie

vermilion n • vermilion

vermin n • vermina

vermin n • vermina (vér-)

verminous (1. infested with vermin; 2. Pathol]) adj • verminose

vermivorous adj • vermivore

vermouth n • vermut

vernacular n • lingua vulgar

vernal, spring adj • vernal

vernation, prefoliation, praefoliation [Bot] n • prefoliation

Verrucaria [Bot] n • verrucaria

verruciform, wart-shaped adj • verruciforme

verrucosity n • verrucositate

versatile (1. fickle, variable; 2. as in versatile genius) adj • versatile

versatile adj • versatile

versatility n • versatilitate

verse n • verso

verse (of the Bible) n • versetto

verse [Poet] n • verso

versed sine [Geom] n • flecha

versed sine [Geom] n • flecha (flésha)

versed-in adj • versate in

versicle [Liturgy] n • versetto

versicle n • versiculo

versification n • versification

versifier n • versificator

versifier, poetaster n • poetastro

versifier, rhymer n • rimator

versify (1. to write verse; 2. to relate in verse) v • versificar

versify v • poetisar

version (1. translation; 2. as in two versions of an affair) n • version

version n • version

verso (reverse or left-hand page) Typog] n • verso

verst n • versta

verst n • versta R]

versus prep • contra

vertebra n • vertebra

vertebra n • vertebra (vér-)

vertebral adj • vertebral

vertebrate adj • vertebrate

vertebrate n • vertebrato

vertebrate [Zool] n • vertebrato

vertex (1. top, summit; 2. Anat]; 3. Math]) n • vertice

vertex (1. top, summit; 2. Anat]; 3. Math]) n • vertice (vér-)

vertex n • vertice

vertical adj • vertical, a plumbo

vertical adj • vertical

vertical adj • a plumbo, vertical

verticality n • verticalitate

vertically adv • verticalmente

verticil [Bot] n • verticillo

verticillate, verticillated [Bot] adj • verticillate

verticillated, verticillate [Bot] adj • verticillate

verticity n • verticitate

vertiginous (1. dizzy, giddy; 2. causing vertigo or giddiness; 3. whirling, rotatory) adj • vertiginose

vertigo, dizziness, giddiness n • vertigine

vertigo n • vertigine

veruvianite [Geol] n • vesuvianite

vervain n • verbena

verve n • verve

very adj • ver, autentic, mesme

very adj • autentic, mesme, ver

very adj • mesme, ver, autentic

very adv • multo

very, exceedingly adv • maxime

very, exceedingly adv • maxime (màx-)

very best adj • optime (òp-)

very best adj • optime

very little adv • minime

very little adv • minime (mì-)

very many, very much adj • permulte

very much adv • permulto

very much, exceedingly adv • valde

very much, very many adj • permulte

very near, close adj • proxime

very near, close adj • proxime (pròx-)

very old adj • vetuste

very small adj • pusille

very small, tiny adj • minime

very small, tiny adj • minime (mì-)

vesical adj • vesical

vesicant, vesicatory adj • vesicatori

vesicant, vesicatory vesicante adj • vesicante (pp of vesicar)

vesicant, vesicatory vesicante adj • vesicante

vesicate, blister [Med] v • vesicar

vesicatory, vesicant adj • vesicatori

vesicatory vesicante, vesicant adj • vesicante

vesicatory vesicante, vesicant adj • vesicante (pp of vesicar)

vesicic (1. Anat]; 2. Med] (blister; 3. Bot]) n • vesicula

vesicular (having the form or structure of a visicle) adj • vesicular

vesperal, vespertine vesperal adj • vesperal

vespers n • vesperas

vespertinal, vespertine adj • vespertin

vespertine, vespertinal adj • vespertin

vespertine vesperal, vesperal adj • vesperal

vessel, container n • vasculo

vessel (container) n • vasculo, vaso

vessel (container) n • vaso, vasculo

vessel (hollow container) n • vaso

vessel (ship) n • vascello

vest (undershirt) n • subcamisa

vest, waistcoat n • gilet

vest, waistcoat n • gilet F]

vest (waistcoat) n • gilet

vest (woman's) n • camisola

Vesta (1. Rom. Rel]; 2. Astron]) n • Vesta

vestal (1. pertaining to Vesta; 2. pertaining to a vestal virgin) adj • vestal

vested adj • investite

vested-interest n • interesse acquirite

vestibule n • vestibulo

vestibule n • vestibulo (-tì-)

vestige n • vestigio, tracia

vestige n • vestigio

vestige n • tracia, vestigio

vestigial adj • vestigial

vestment [Eccl] n • vestimento

vestment n • vestimento

vestry n • sacristia

vestry, sacristy n • sacristia

vestry, sacristy n • sacristia (-ìa)

Vesuvian adj • vesuvian

Vesuvius n • Vesuvio

vet v • examinar, controlar

vet v • controlar, examinar

veteran adj • veteran

veteran n • veterano

veterinarian n • veterinario

veterinarian, veterinary surgeon v • veterinario

veterinary adj • veterinari

veterinary surgeon, veterinarian v • veterinario

veterinary-surgeon n • veterinario

veto n • veto

veto v • poner su veto a

vex, annoy, irritate v • vexar

vex, annoy v • enoiar

vex v • vexar, enoiar

vex v • enoiar, vexar

vexation, irritation n • vexation

vexation n • vexation

vexatious adj • vexatori

vexer n • vexator

via, by way of prep • via

via (by way of) prep • via

viability (capacity for living) n • viabilitate

viable adj • viabile

viable, capable of living adj • viabile

viaduct n • viaducto

viaticum (1. provisions for a journey; 2. R.C.Ch]) n • viatico

vibrant adj • vibrante

vibrant adj • vibrante (ppr of vibrar)

vibrate v • vibrar

vibratile adj • vibratile

vibrating adj • vibrante, palpitante

vibrating adj • palpitante, vibrante

vibrating, throbbing, pulsing adj • palpitante

vibrating, throbbing, pulsing adj • palpitante (ppr of palpitar)

vibrating, vibratory adj • vibratori

vibration n • vibration

vibrato [Mus] n • vibrato

vibrator n • vibrator

vibratory, vibrating adj • vibratori

vicar (1. deputy, proxy; 2. Eccl]) n • vicario

vicar (anglican) n • parocho

vicar (roman catholic) n • vicario

vicarage n • presbyterio

vicarial (pertaining to a vicar) adj • vicarial

vicariate n • vicariato

vicarious adj • vicari

vice (as prefix) pref • vice-

vice (evil) n • vitio

vice (moral fault or failing) n • vitio

vice (tool) n • tenalia

vicechairman, vice-president n • vicepresidente

vice-chairmanship, vice-presidency n • vicepresidentia

vicennial (1. lasting twenty years; 2. occurring once in twenty years) adj • vicennal

vice-presidency, vice-chairmanship n • vicepresidentia

vice-president, vicechairman n • vicepresidente

viceroy n • vicerege

vice-versa (with the order reversed) adv • vice versa

vicinity n • vicinitate

vicinity, neighborhood (1. nearness; 2. region, surroundings) n • vicinitate

vicious (cruel) adj • atroce, cruel

vicious (cruel) adj • cruel, atroce

vicious, depraved, wicked adj • vitiose

vicious (wicked) adj • perverse, vitiose

vicious (wicked) adj • vitiose, perverse

vicious-circle n • circulo vitiose

viciousness n • vitiositate, perversitate

viciousness n • perversitate, vitiositate

vicissitude (as in after many vicissitudes) n • vicissitude

victim n • victima

victim n • victima (vìc-)

victim (of an accident) n • sinistrato

victimization n • represalias

victimize v • prender represalias contra

victor n • vincitor

victor n • vincitor, victor

victor n • victor

victor n • victor, vincitor

victorian adj • victorian

victorian n • victoriano

victorious adj • victoriose

victory n • victoria

victual, provision v • victualiar

victuals, provisions n • victualia

video n • video

video-camera n • videocamera

video-cassette n • videocassetta

video-disc n • videodisco

video-film n • videofilm

video-frequency n • videofrequentia

video-library n • videotheca

video-recorder n • videoregistrator

video-tape n • banda magnetic video

vie v • rivalisar

Vienna n • Vienna

Vietnam [Geog] n • Vietnam

vietnamese adj • vietnamese

view (1. sight; 2. things seen; 3. mental picture) n • vista

view (in - of) phr • in vista de

view (landscape) n • panorama

view n • Gen]

view (opinion) n • opinion

view v • inspectar, vider, examinar

view v • examinar, inspectar, vider

view v • vider, examinar, inspectar

view with contempt, contemn v • contemner -ternn-/-tempt-]

view with contempt, contemn v • contemner

viewer n • spectator

viewer (of television) n • telespectator

viewfinder n • visor

viewpoint n • puncto de vista

vigesimal adj • vigesimal

vigil (1. wakefulness; 2. wakeful attention, watch; 3. eve of a festival) n • vigilia

vigil n • vigilia

vigilance n • vigilantia

vigilance, watchfulness n • vigilantia

vigilant adj • vigilante

vigilant, watchful adj • vigilante (ppr of vigilar)

vigilant, watchful adj • vigilante

vignette n • vignette F]

vignette n • vignette

vigor n • vigor

vigor n • galliardia (-ìa)

vigor n • galliardia

vigor, robustness n • validitate

vigor, vigour n • vigor, energia

vigor, vigour n • energia, vigor

vigorous adj • vigorose, energic

vigorous adj • vigorose

vigorous adj • energic, vigorose

vigorous, flourishing, healthy adj • vegete (vé-)

vigorous, flourishing, healthy adj • vegete

vigorous, hardy, hearty adj • galliarde

vigorously adv • vigorosemente, energicamente

vigorously adv • energicamente, vigorosemente

Viking adj/n • viking, vikingo

Viking adj/n • vikingo, viking

vilayet n • vilayet Tu]

vilayet n • vilayet

vile adj • vil, infame

vile adj • infame, vil

vile, base adj • vil

vile, infamous, villainous adj • villan

vile, vituperable, reprehensible adj • vituperabile

vile action, villainy n • villania

vile action, villainy n • villania (-ìa)

vileness, baseness n • vilitate

vileness n • vilitate

vilification n • denigration, vilification

vilification n • vilification, denigration

vilification n • vilification

vilify v • vilificar

vilipend, hold cheap, despise v • vilipender

villa n • villa

villa (roman) n • villa

village, hamlet n • vico

village n • village (-aje)

village n • village

villager n • habitante de un village

villager, rustic n • villano

villain n • scelerato, villano

villain n • villano, scelerato

villain, scoundrel n • villano

villain, scoundrel, wretch n • scelerato

villainous adj • scelerate

villainous, scoundrelly adj • scelerate

villainous, vile, infamous adj • villan

villainy n • villania

villainy, vile action n • villania

villainy, vile action n • villania (-ìa)

villainy, wickedness n • sceleratessa

villein [Hist] n • villano

villeinage, villenage (status of a villein) Hist] n • villanage (-aje)

villeinage, villenage (status of a villein) Hist] n • villanage

villenage, villeinage (status of a villein) Hist] n • villanage (-aje)

villenage, villeinage (status of a villein) Hist] n • villanage

villosity, hairiness n • villositate

villous, hairy adj • villose

Vilna, Wilno n • Vilna Lithuanian]

Vilna, Wilno n • Wilno Polish]

Vilna, Wilno n • Wilno

Vilna, Wilno n • Vilna

vim n • vigor, energia

vim n • energia, vigor

Vincentian, Lazarist [R.C.Ch] n • lazarista

vincible, vanquishable adj • vincibile

vindicable (that can or deserves to be vindicated) adj • vindicabile

vindicate [Law] v • vindicar

vindicate, reclaim v • revindicar

vindicate v • justificar

vindication n • justification

vindictive adj • vindicative, rancorose, vengiative

vindictive adj • rancorose, vengiative, vindicative

vindictive adj • vindicative

vindictive adj • vengiative, vindicative, rancorose

vindictive, vengeful adj • vengiative (-ja-)

vindictive, vengeful adj • vengiative

vindictiveness n • spirito de vengiantia, rancor

vindictiveness n • rancor, spirito de vengiantia

vine, grapevine n • vite

vine n • vite

vinegar n • vinagre

vinegar n • aceto

vinegar, season with vinegar v • vinagrar

vinegar factory n • vinagreria

vinegar factory n • vinagreria (-ìa)

vinegar maker or dealer n • vinagrero

vineyard n • vinia

vinic adj • vinic

viniculture n • vinicultura

vinification n • vinification

vinosity (quality of being vinous) n • vinositate

vinous adj • vinose

vintage n • vendemia

vintage n • vindemia

vintager n • vindemiator

vinyl adj/n • vinyl

Viola [Bot] n • viola

viola [Mus] n • viola

viola n • viola

violable adj • violabile

Violaceae [Bot] n • violaceas

violaceous (1. violet, violet-colored; 2. of the Violaceae) adj • violacee

violate (1. to violate a law, rule; 2. to violate a sacred place; 3. to rape) v • violar

violate v • violar, infringer

violate v • infringer, violar

violate, violated adj • violate (pp of violar)

violate, violated adj • violate

violated, violate adj • violate

violated, violate adj • violate (pp of violar)

violation (1. violation of a law, rule; 2. violation of a sacred place; 3. rape) n • violation

violation n • violation

violator n • violator

violence n • violentia

violent adj • violente

violent anger, rage n • rage (raje)

violent anger, rage n • rage

violet adj • violette

violet [Bot] n • violetta

violet (color violet) n • violetto

violet (colour) n • violetto

violet (flower) n • viola

violin n • violino

violinist n • violinista

violist n • violista

violoncellist n • violoncellista

violoncello n • violoncello

violoncello n • violoncello I]

viper n • vipera (vì-)

viper n • vipera

viperine, viperous adj • viperin

viperous, viperine adj • viperin

virago n • viragine

virgin adj/n • virgine

virgin n • virgine

virgin, virginal adj • virgine

Virgin Islands (British - Islands) n • Insulas Virgine

virginal adj • virginal

virginal, virgin adj • virgine

Virginia (State of) n • Virginia

Virginian (native or inhabitant of Virginia) n • virginiano

Virginian (pertaining to Virginia) adj • virginian

virginity n • flor

virginity n • virginitate

Virgo n • astrol

virile adj • viril

virility (1. potency; 2. maculinity, manliness) n • virilitate

virility n • virilitate

virose, poisonous adj • virose

virtual adj • virtual

virtuality n • virtualitate

virtualize n • virtualisar, usar con equipa de realitate virtual

virtualize n • usar con equipa de realitate virtual, virtualisar

virtually adv • virtualmente

virtue (1. active property, potency; 2. moral excellence; 3. chastity in awoman; 4. Theol] (one of the orders of celestial beings) n • virtute

virtue n • virtute

virtuosity (great skill in the methods of an art, especially music) n • virtuositate

virtuoso n • virtuoso

virtuoso (person skilled in the methods of an art, especially music) n • virtuoso

virtuous (1. having or exhibiting moral virtue; 2. efficacious, potent) adj • virtuose

virtuous adj • virtuose

virulence, virulency n • virulentia

virulency, virulence n • virulentia

virulent (1. Bacteriol]; 2. as in virulent invective) adj • virulente

virulent adj • virulente

virus n • virus

virus [Pathol] n • virus (vì-)

virus [Pathol] n • virus

visa n • visa

visa, visé n • visa

visage, countenance, face n • visage

visage, countenance, face n • visage (-aje)

vis-à-vis, opposite, face to face adv • vis-à-vis F]

vis-à-vis, opposite, face to face adv • vis-à-vis

viscid adj • lente

viscidity n • lentor

viscosity n • viscositate

viscount n • viceconte

viscountcy n • vicecontato

viscountess n • vicecontessa

viscous adj • viscose

vise, clamp, tongs, pincers, nippers n • tenalia

visé, visa n • visa

visibility n • visibilitate

visible adj • visibile

vision n • vision

vision n • vision, viso

vision n • viso, vision

vision, sight (power of seeing) n • viso

visionary adj • phantastic, visionari

visionary adj • visionari, phantastic

visionary adj • visionari

visionary, fantast n • phantasta

visionary n • phantasta, visionario

visionary n • visionario

visionary n • visionario, phantasta

visit n • visita (vì-)

visit n • visita

visit v • visitar

visitant, visitor n • visitante

visitation n • visitation

visitor, caller n • visitator

visitor n • visitante, visitator

visitor n • visitator, visitante

visitor, visitant n • visitante

visor (1. of a helmet; 2. of a cap) n • visiera

vista n • vista, perspectiva, prospecto

vista n • perspectiva, prospecto, vista

vista n • prospecto, vista, perspectiva

Vistula n • Vistula (vìs-)

vistula n • vistula, wisla

Vistula n • Vistula

vistula n • wisla, vistula

visual adj • visual

visual (pertaining to the sense of sight) adj • visual

visualize v • visualisar, facer se le imagine de

visualize v • facer se le imagine de, visualisar

visually adv • visualmente

vital adj • vital

vital (essential) adj • capital, essential

vital (essential) adj • essential, capital

vital (relative to life) adj • vital

vitalism [Philos/Biol] n • vitalismo

vitalist n • vitalista

vitality n • vitalitate

vitally adv • vitalmente, essentialmente

vitally adv • essentialmente, vitalmente

vitamin n • vitamina

vitamin, vitaminic adj • vitaminic

vitaminic, vitamin adj • vitaminic

vitaminize v • vitaminisar

vitaminology n • vitaminologia (-ìa)

vitaminology n • vitaminologia

vitelligenous, vitellogenous (producing the yolk or vitellus) adj • vitelligene

vitelline (pertaining to the vitellus) adj • vitellin

vitellogenous, vitelligenous (producing the yolk or vitellus) adj • vitelligene

vitellus [Embryol] n • vitello

vitiation n • vitiation

viticultural adj • viticole

viticulture n • viticultura

viticulturist, wine grower n • viticultor

viticulturist viticola, winegrower (-tì-) n • viticola

viticulturist viticola, winegrower (-tì-) n • viticola (-tì-)

vitrcous (1. of, pertaining to, or derived from, glass; 2. glassy, resembling glass) adj • vitree

vitreous (1. of, pertaining to, derived from, glass; 2 . glassy) adj • vitrose

vitreous adj • vitrose

vitrifaction, vitrification n • vitrification

vitrifiable adj • vitrificabile

vitrification, vitrifaction n • vitrification

vitrify v • vitrificar

vitriol [Chem] n • vitriolo

vitriolic adj • vitriolic

vitriolize (convert into vitriol) v • vitriolisar

vituperable, reprehensible, vile adj • vituperabile

vituperate v • vituperar

vituperation n • vituperation

vituperative adj • vituperative

vituperator n • vituperator

vivacious adj • vivace

vivaciousness, vivacity n • vivacitate

vivacity n • animation, vivacitate

vivacity n • vivacitate, animation

vivacity, vivaciousness n • vivacitate

viva-voce n • examine oral

vivid adj • vivide

vividness n • intensitate, vivacitate

vividness n • vivacitate, intensitate

vivification n • vivification

vivifier n • vivificator

vivify, revive v • avivar

vivify v • vivificar

vivifying adj • vivific

vivifying, reviving (action of) n • avivamento

viviparous (producing living young) adj • vivipare

vivisection n • vivisection

vivisectionist n • vivisectionista

vixen n • Amer

vixen n • vulpe feminin

vizier n • vesir

vizier n • vesir Tu]

vizierate n • vesirato

vocable, word n • vocabulo

vocabulary (1. list of words with their meanings; 2. stock of words used by a person, class of people, profession) n • vocabulario

vocabulary n • vocabulario

vocal adj • vocal

vocal (pertaining to voice or speech) adj • vocal

vocal-chords n • chordas vocal

vocalic adj • vocalic

vocalism (system of vowels) n • vocalismo

vocalist [Fem] • cantatrice

vocalist n • cantator

vocalization (1. act of changing into a vowel; 2. Mus]) n • vocalisation

vocalizer [Mus] n • vocalisator

vocalizing, exercise in vocalization [Mus] n • vocaliso

vocally adv • vocalmente

vocation (1. divine call; 2. action or activity aperson feels called upon to perform) n • vocation

vocation n • profession, vocation

vocation n • vocation, profession

vocative adj • vocative

vocative, vocative case [Gram] n • vocativo

vocative case, vocative [Gram] n • vocativo

vociferate, bawl v • vociferar

vociferation n • vociferation

vociferator n • vociferator

vociferous adj • vociferante

vodka n • vodka R]

vodka n • vodka

vogue n • voga

voice (1. as in human voice; 2. Gram]) n • voce

voice n • voce

voice v • exprimer

voice v • teleph

voiceless, aphonic adj • aphone

voiceless, aphonic adj • aphonic

void adj • casse, nulle

void adj • nulle, casse

void n • vacuo

void, null adj • casse

void, nullified [Law] adj • irrite

void, nullified [Law] adj • irrite (ìr-)

voidable adj • annullabile

voidable adj • annihilabile

voiding, annulment n • annihilation

Volapük [Interling] n • volapük

Volapük [Interling] n • volapük Vol]

Volapük n • IAL]

Volapükism [Interling] n • volapükismo

Volapükist [Interling] n • volapükista

volatile adj • volatile

volatility n • volatilitate

volatilization n • volatilisation

volatilize v • volatilisar

volcanic adj • vulcanic

volcanism [Geol] n • vulcanismo

volcanization [Gcol] n • vulcanisation

volcanize [Geol] v • vulcanisar

volcano n • vulcano

vole, fieldmouse [Zool] n • campaniol

Volga n • Volga

volition n • volition

volitional, volitive adj • volitive

volitive, volitional adj • volitive

volley (as in to fire a volley) n • salva

volley n • salva

volt [Elec] n • volt

volt [Man] n • volta

volt n • volt

voltage n • voltage

voltage n • voltage (-aje)

voltaic adj • voltaic

voltaic adj • voltaic (-àic)

voltaism n • voltaismo (-ìmo)

voltaism n • voltaismo

voltameter n • voltametro (-tà-)

voltameter n • voltametro

voltampere n • voltampere (-pér)

voltampere n • voltampere

voltmeter n • voltimetro (-ìmetro)

voltmeter n • voltimetro

volubility, volubleness n • volubilitate

voluble (1. apt to roll; 2. Bot]; 3. glib, garrulous) adj • volubile

voluble adj • volubile

volubleness, volubility n • volubilitate

volume (1. as in a work in three volumes; 2. space occupied, compass) n • volumine

volume (book) n • tomo

volume n • volumine

volume (section of a work in several volumes, as in four volumes in three) n • tomo

volume or contents of a cylinder n • cylindrata

voluminous adj • voluminose

voluntariate, voluntary service [Mil] n • voluntariato

voluntarily adv • sponte, voluntarimente

voluntarily adv • voluntarimente, sponte

voluntarily, willingly adv • sponte

voluntary adj • voluntari

voluntary service, voluntariate [Mil] n • voluntariato

volunteer [Mil] n • voluntario

volunteer n • voluntario

voluptuary n • voluptuario

voluptuary, voluptuous adj • voluptuari

voluptuous adj • voluptuose

voluptuous adj • voluptuose, voluptuari

voluptuous adj • voluptuari, voluptuose

voluptuous, voluptuary adj • voluptuari

voluptuousness n • voluptuositate

volute (1. Arch]; 2. Zool] (any kind of gasteropods) n • voluta

volvulus [Med] n • volvulo

vomica [Med] n • vomica (vò-)

vomica [Med] n • vomica

vomiitorium, vomitory [Arch] n • vomitorio

vomit n • vomito

vomit v • vomir

vomit v • vomitar

vomit, vomiting n • vomito

vomit, vomiting n • vomito (vò-)

vomiter n • vomitator

vomiting, vomit n • vomito

vomiting, vomit n • vomito (vò-)

vomiting fire, ignivomous adj • ignivome

vomiting fire, ignivomous adj • ignivome (-ì-)

vomitive, vomitory adj • vomitive

vomitive, vomitory adj • vomic

vomitory, emetic n • vomitivo

vomitory, vomiitorium [Arch] n • vomitorio

vomitory, vomitive adj • vomic

vomitory, vomitive adj • vomitive

vomiturition [Mcd] n • vomiturition

voracious adj • vorace

voracious, edacious adj • edace

voraciousness, voracity n • voracitate

voracity, edacity n • edacitate

voracity, voraciousness n • voracitate

vortex n • vortice

vortex, whirlpool n • vortice

vortex, whirlpool n • vortice (vòr-)

vortical, vorticose adj • vorticose

vorticose, vortical adj • vorticose

Vosgian (pertaining to the Vosges Mountains) adj • vosgian

vote (1. to cast a vote; 2. to approve, determine, or grant by a vote) v • votar

vote (as in to cast a vote) n • voto

vote (casting -) n. phr • voto decisive/preponderante

vote (for) v • suffragar

vote (individual's) n • suffragio

vote n • scrutinio, voto, votation

vote n • votation, scrutinio, voto

vote n • voto, votation, scrutinio

vote, suffrage n • suffragio

vote v • votar

vote by ballot v • scrutiniar

vote-down v • repeller per votation

vote-of-censure n • motion de censura

vote-of-confidence n • motion/voto de confidentia

vote-of-thanks n • voto de gratia

voter, elector n • elector

voter n • votante

voter n • elector, votante

voter n • votante, elector

voting n • votation

voting ballot (voting paper) n • ballotta, scheda de votation

voting ballot (voting paper) n • scheda de votation, ballotta

voting booth n • cabina de votation

voting station n • centro de votation

votive adj • votive

vouch v • responder (de un cosa;pro un persona)

vouch v • responder

voucher n • bono, pecia justificative

voucher n • pecia justificative, bono

vow (1. to promise solemnly; 2. to dedicate) v • votar

vow n • voto

vow (solemn promise) n • voto

vow v • votar

vowel n • vocal

voyage n • viage

voyage n • viage (marin)

voyage v • viagiar

voyage v • viagiar (per mar)

voyager n • viagiator

Vulcan [Rom. Relig] n • Vulcano

Vulcanian adj • vulcanie

Vulcanian, Vulcanic adj • vulcanic

Vulcanic, Vulcanian adj • vulcanic

vulcanization [Technol] n • vulcanisation

vulcanize [Technol] v • vulcanisar

vulcanize v • vulcanisar

vulgar (1. of the common people; 2. low, coarse) adj • vulgar

vulgar (in poor taste) adj • trivial, de mal gusto

vulgar (in poor taste) adj • de mal gusto, trivial

vulgar (of the people) adj • vulgar

vulgarism (1. vulgarity; 2. vulgar phrase or expression) n • vulgarismo

vulgarity, coarseness n • trivialitate

vulgarity (commonness) n • vulgaritate

vulgarity n • vulgaritate

vulgarity (poor taste) n • mal gusto, trivialitate

vulgarity (poor taste) n • trivialitate, mal gusto

vulgarization n • vulgarisation

vulgarize v • vulgarisar

vulgarizer n • vulgarisator

vulgate [Bib] n • vulgata

Vulgate [Theol] n • Vulgata L]

Vulgate [Theol] n • Vulgata

vulgo, commonly adv • vulgo

vulgo, commonly adv • vulgo L]

vulgus, common people n • vulgo

vulnerabiility n • vulnerabilitate

vulnerability n • vulnerabilitate

vulnerable adj • vulnerabile

vulnerary adj • vulnerari

vulnerary (vulnerary remedy) n • vulneraria

vulpine (1. pertaining to a fox; 2. foxy) adj • vulpin

vulture n • vulture

vulturine adj • vulturin