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Discussion:Pagina principal

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De Wiktionario
Ultime commento: 3 menses retro per Datsofelija in topico Bon die!

Le FRONTISPICIO a color de ILVI esseva plus belle que isto.

Es tu, car ENSJO, le administrator de iste sito?


Josu Lavin

Io non videva problemas con adder color al pagina initial, e forsan nos deberea discuter iste addition ante deler le cambios al pagina. In mi opinion il es bon haber un connexion con le paginas de indices pro terminos de interlingua in le wiktionario anglese. Le addition de color dona al pagina un senso de benvenita e de professionalismo in mi opinion, le carentia de color e solmente le texto in un pagina blanc pare monstrar, ancora in mi opinion, que le usatores de iste wiktionario non place in matener lo attractive. Ma forsan il ha alcun rationes pro non haber color. Que pensa vos alteres? -- ILVI Jay Bowks 19:00 nov 27, 2004 (UTC)

Car Jay, Io es plenmente de accordo con te: Le color dona un sensation de professionalitate. -- Josu Lavin

Et anque le indices que tu ha addite dona le sito multe functionalitate, gratias al listas on poterea usar le sito pro comprobar le significato de terminos rapidemente. Io crede que con tempore le travalio de facer paginas pro cata termino occurrera, si nos incoragia plus interlinguanos pro adder al effortio. Ma ora mesmo, le indices provide un adjuta a quicunque vole studiar e practicar Interlingua. Bon lavor Josu! Kudos! -- ILVI Jay Bowks 04:50 nov 28, 2004 (UTC)

Vermente belle!

Nunc le tabula del dictionarios disponibile, le indices de parolas etc. que appare al pagina principal es multo belle! Gratias pro le organisation del information, isto resultara in un melior presentation del information disponibile... Kudos! Jay Bowks 23:33 dec 1, 2004 (UTC)

Page protection


I suggest protecting this page against non-autoconfirmed users. Recently, an anonymous user inserted some rubbish. Cheers, Malafaya 00:43, 5 octobre 2008 (UTC)Responder



I think it was helpful to have the dictionaries on the front page, as earlier. Wakuran 10:59, 17 novembre 2009 (UTC)Responder

The official localisable Wiktionary logo

Hello! It was noted that Wiktionary in this language has not yet adopted a localised/translated logo: it's really a pity for a dictionary project!
We are trying to help Wiktionaries adopt a locally-adapted logo, by taking the technical difficulties on us. What we need from you is just the preferred translation of the name and motto, "Wiktionary" (if translated) and "The free dictionary": you can add them to the logo list, by editing it directly or commenting on the talk page; you can also add a note if you don't want the localised logo.
Of course, you can also create the logo and make the necessary requests on bugzilla yourself, if you prefer so.
Feel free to translate this message and to move/copy/forward it where appropriate; you can also reply on my talk. Thanks, Nemo 15:33, 3 novembre 2012 (UTC)Responder

Bon die!


Nos ha nunc 2 350 articulos in differente linguas.

Felicitationes! Datsofelija (discussion) 13:39, 1 april 2024 (UTC)Responder