t (letter -) n littera t (te)
tabernakel n tabernaculo
tableau n tableau
tableau n tableau
tablet n tabletta
taboe n tabu
tackle (sport) n blocar
tact n tacto
tactiek n tactica
tactisch adj tactic
tafel n tabula (tà-)
tafeltennis n tennis de tabula, ping-pong
tafeltennis n ping-pong, tennis de tabula
talent n talento
talisman n talisman
tamboerijn n tamburino
tampon n tampon
tango n tango
tank n tank
tank [Mil] n tank
tanker (schip) n nave cisterna
tantalium [Chem] n tantalium
tapijt n tapete
tapioca n tapioca
tarief n tarifa
tartaar (saus) n sauce tartare
tattoo n tatu
tautologie n tautologia
taverne n taverna
tax n taxa
taxatie n taxation
taxi n taxi
taxichauffeur n taxista, guidator de taxi
taxichauffeur n guidator de taxi, taxista
taxidermist n taxidermista
taximeter n taximetro
team (ploeg) n equipa
technocraat n technocrate
technocratie n technocratia
technologie n technologia
teder adj tenere
tederheid n teneressa
telecommunicatie n telecommunication
telefonist n telephonista
telefoon n telephono
telefoonboek n libro telephonic
telegraaf n telegrapho
telegram n telegramma
telepathie n telepathia
telescoop n telescopio
televisie n television
telex n telex
temperament n temperamento
tempel n templo
tennis n tennis
tent n tenta
termijn n termino
terra-cotta n terra cocte
terreur n terror
terrier (hond) n terrier
terrine n terrina
territorium n territorio
territoriaal n territorial
terrorisme n terrorismo
terrorist n terrorista
test n test
testament n testamento
testikel n testiculo
tetanus [Med] n tetano
thee n the
thee (drank) n the
thee (plant) n the
theekopje n tasslio del the
theepot n theiera
theezakje n sacchetto de the
theologie n theologia
theoloog n theologo
theoretisch adj theoretic
theorie n theoria
therapie n therapia
thermaal adj thermal
thermisch adj thermic
thor (Donar) [Norse Mythol] n thor
tiara (driekroon) n tiara
ticket n ticket
tij n marea (-éa)
tij n marea
tij (hoog- ) n marea alte
tij (laag- ) n marea basse
tijd n tempore
tijdloos adj eterne
tijm (kruid) n thimo
timide adj timide
timide adj timide, pavorose
timide adj pavorose, timide
tin (metaal) n stanno
titel n titulo
toast n toast
tombola n tombola
traan n lacrima
tranen n lacrimas