Appendice:Dictionarios/Interlingua-anglese/Dictionarios thematic/Informatica
- accesso directe, accesso aleatori
- direct access, random access
- adresse favorite?
(ca adreça d'interès, preferit; es marca, referencia; fr signet)
- bookmark, favourite
- adjustar le texto?
- (v) wrap, (n) word-wrap
- amplificator de currente
- current amplifier
- amplificator de potentia
- power amplifier
- amplificator de voltage
- voltage amplifier
- application de adjuta
- helper application
- aranea, aranea web
- spider
- arbore de directorios
- directory tree
- initiar de nove? (ca arrencar de nou, v tr)
- to reboot
- archivamento
- filing
- archivar
- to file
- autorisation
- authorisation
- banda vacue
- en empty band
- banda de valentia
- valence band
- banda partialmente occupate
- partially occupied band
- banda prohibite?
- forbidden band
- BBS, tabula electronic de annuncios (?)
- bulletin board
- cablo terrestre
- land cable
- canal (de election?)
- voting channel
- character de (re)impler (de replenamento?) (ca caràcter de farciment;
es carácter de relleno; fr caractère d'appoint/garnissage/remplissage)
- padding (or pad, gap, fill, filler) character
- carga, carga electric
- charge, electric charge
- cassetta de selection? (verification?)
- check box
- cyclo
- cycle
- circuito
- circuit
- circuito integrate logic, circuito logic
- logic circuit, logic integrated circuit
- circuito mixte
- composite circuit
- codice objecto
- object code
- commutation de claves?
- toggle keys
- compressor
- compression software, compressor
- contator decimal
- decimal counter
- contator reversibile, contator in alto/a basso
- up/down counter
- conduction, conduction electric
- conduction, electrical conduction
- [configuration in] base commun, BC
- common base, common base arrangement, CB
- [configuration in] collector commun, CC
- common collector, common collector arrangement, CC
- [configuration in] dranator commun, DC
- common drain, common drain arrangement, CD
- [configuration in] emmissor commun, EC
- common emitter, common emitter arrangement, CE
- confirmation?, recepto?
- receipt
- interrogation (in base de datos)
- inquiry, query
- controlator, controlator de entrata/sortita, controlator de periphericos
- controller, input/output controller, I/O controller, IOC
- copia li(t)teral
- verbatim copy
- dataphono
- dataphone
- disinstallar
- uninstall, to
- displaciamento? del cursor
- cursor positioning
- destinario, recipiente
- recipient
- diac (thyristor diodo bidirectional)
- diac (bidirectional diode thyristor)
- diagnostico
- diagnostic
- diagnostico remote
- remote diagnostic
- diagramma de statos
- state diagram
- diodo de tres capas? (stratos?)
- three-layer diode
- diodo interruptor
- switching diode
- diodo mesa
- mesa diode
- diodo planar
- planar diode
- CCD (dispositivo de carga accopulate (?))
- CCD (charge-coupled device)
- dispositivo de memoria removibile (?)
- removable storage device
- memoria
- memory, storage
- plenar con characteres
- character fill, to
- emulator
- emulator
- emular
- emulate, to
- in aperte {del transmission de information non-codificate e accessibile a qualcuno}
- open
- incapitamento?
- heading, heading statement
- registrator de datos
- data logger
- registro (registration?) con retorna a zero
- return-to-zero recording
- error percentual
- percent error
- annihilar?
- wipe, to
- scopato? lineal
- linear sweep
- scopato? logarhythmic
- log sweep
- station de base
- base station
- station mobile
- mobile station
- standard
- standard
- standard JPEG (etc.)
- JPEG standard
- excitator
- exciter
- face clic con (o "preme") le button dextre del mus
- right-click, to
- fenestra de navigator
- navigator window
- frame relay [A]
- frame relay
- generar aleatorimente
- randomize
- gestor
- handler
- gestor de fenestras
- window manager
- salamandra
- salamander
- Hertz, Hz.
- Hertz
- imbricate
- nested
- infographia, informatica graphic
- computer graphics, infography
- informatica de gestion
- business data processing, management information system
- informatica de systemas
- system computing
- installar
- install, to
- instantiar
- instantiate, to
- linguage de interrogation
- interrogation language, query language, QL
- lista de adresses de interesse
(ca llista d'adreces d'interès, f ca llista de preferits, f es favoritos es lista caliente es marcadores fr liste de signets fr liste privilégiée)
- bookmark list, bookmarks, favourites, hotlist
- listage
- listing
- memoria
- memory, storage
- memoria CAM, CAM
- CAM memory, CAM
- memoria EEPROM
- methodo MCVD
- Modified Chemical Vapor Deposition method
- methodo OVD
- Outside Vapor Deposition method
- methodo PCVD
- Plasma Activated Chemical Vapor Deposition method
- methodo VAD
- Vapor Axial Deposition method
- typo MIME, MIME
- MIME type, MIME (Multiple Internet Mail Extentions)
- extraction (mineria?) de datos
- data mining
- modem ASVD
- ASVD modem
- modem de voce, modem vocal
- voice modem
- modem DSVD
- DSVD modem
- modem integrate
- integrated modem
- modem sin filo, modem radio
- wireless modem, radio modem (?)
- motor de cerca, motor de recerca
- search engine
- multiparte
- multipart
- multiplex
- multichannel system, multiplex
- multiprogrammation
- multiprogramming
- mundar
- clear, to
- numero de pagina
- page number
- lurker?, observator?
- lurker
- operative
- operative
- optic
- optical
- ordine, commando
- command
- schermo alphanumeric
- alphanumeric display
- schermo de focalisation
- focusing screen
- schermo, schermo phosphorescente
- luminescent screen, phosphor screen, screen
- schermo graphic interactive
- interactive graphical display
- schermo reflector
- reflection screen
- per defecto, defecto
- default (adj), default (n)
- pila de nickel-cadmium
- nickel-cadmium cell
- porta NON, porta NOT
- NOT gate
- porta NON-E, porta NAND
- NAND gate
- premer
- press, to
- processabile
- processable
- processamento de imagines
- image processing
- programma de utilitate
- utility program
- programmation modular
- modular programming
- programmation orientate a objectos, OOP
- object-oriented programming, OOP
- programmation (processamento?) concurrente (parallel?, simultanee?)
- concurrent programming
- puncto
- point
- puncto de montage
- mount point
- puncto de ruptura
- breakpoint
- puncto typographic
- point, typographical point
- quadro
- box
- radar
- radar
- radiodiffusion
- broadcasting
- redirection de adresse
- redirection
- recollection de datos
- data collecting
- recuperation de information
- information retrieval
- ressource [F]
- resource
- ressource de base
- base resource
- registro de entrata
- input register
- button repetitor (?)
- snooze alarm
- selector de alimentation de papiro
- paper feed selector, tractor release lever
- semiconductor amorphe
- amorphous semiconductor
- servicio informatic
- computer service
- servitor legier
- thin server
- synthese del/per (?) formantes
- formant synthesis
- systema graphic
- graphics system
- systema incrustate
- embedded system
- SMTP [A]
- sonda
- probe
- sonda de tension active
- active voltage probe
- sonda passive
- passive probe
- SQL [A]
- subharmonico
- subharmonic
- supercomputator, superordinator
- supercomputer
- tabulation decimal
- decimal tab, decimal tabulation
- clave de avantiar pagina, Av Pag
- Page Down, page down key, Pg Dn
- clave accelerator, clave de accesso directe
- accelerator, hot key, keyboard shortcut, shortcut key
- clave de retroceder pagina, Re Pag
- Page Up, page up key, Pg Up
- technologia de Internet
- Internet technology
- banda large
- broadband
- peripherico
- peripheral (n)
- informatica
- computer science, informatics
- telecommunication
- telecommunication
- telegraphar
- telegraph (v)
- teleprocessamento
- teleprocessing
- television per satellite
- satellite television
- temperatura del junction
- junction temperature
- tempore de extinguer
- turn-off time
- tempore morte?, tempore de inactivitate
- downtime
- tempore de compilation
- compile time, compiling duration
- tempore de developpamento de programma
- development time, program development time
- tempore disponibile
- available time
- thyratron
- thyratron
- thyristor
- thyristor
- thyristor blocabile, GCS, GTO
- gate turn-off thyristor, GCS, GTO
- thyristor P
- P-gate thyristor
- thyristor triodo de conduction inverse
- reverse-conducting triode thyristor
- ?? (ca: trama)
- dither
- ??te (ca: tramat)
- dithering
- transceptor fixe
- ? (es: transceptor fijo)
- transistor JFET, JFET
- JFET transistor, JFET
- traciator XY
- XY plotter
- triac [A]
- bidirectional triode thyristor, triac
- unitate
- drive
- validitate
- validity
- valoration?
- rating
- vectorscopio
- vectorscope
- voce-typo
- voice-type
- volt, V
- volt, V
- voxel [A], pixel 3D
- volume cell element, voxel
- rete private
- private network
- rete telephonic
- telephone network
- zona de umbra
- shadow zone